El gobierno austriaco está ofreciendo becas a universidades no europeas para poder realizar un intercambio académico. La beca, llamada Ernst Mach Grant, ofrece 1150 euros por mes. Te compartimos la información:
We would like to inform you about a scholarship by the Austrian government, available to students from non-European universities. It is called ERNST MACH Grant and amounts to 1150 € per month for exchange students at an Austrian University of Applied Sciences. If students are interested in spending an exchange semester/year at our university next winter semester (2023/24) and/or the following summer semester (2024) we highly encourage them to apply for this scholarship!
Our Schools offer a wide range of courses in the areas of:
- Informatics, Communications, Media (Hagenberg Campus)
- Applied Social Sciences and Medical Engineering (Linz Campus)
- Business & Management (Steyr Campus)
- Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Engineering and Management (Wels Campus)
The courses are completely taught in English across the different semesters in different study programmes and degree levels (bachelor and master). Course catalogues are available at https://www.fh-ooe.at/en/international/incomings/course-catalogue/.
Further information regarding the scholarship can be found online at https://grants.at/en/?=MjEwMTZfMjIxODJfMw==.
The scholarship application deadline is March 1st, 2023 (for studies in the academic year 2023/24) and applications have to be made online at http://www.scholarships.at.
Please keep in mind that for submitting the online application by March 1st, students need to have all the documents ready, including a Learning Agreement signed by your institution as well as an acceptance letter from our university and 2 letters of recommendation from their professors at the home university.
To be eligible for the grant, students must have completed at least 4 semesters of their Bachelor (or similar) studies by the time of their exchange to Austria, or be enrolled in a Master’s degree programme. Students don’t need to speak German, as they can choose from our list of Courses Taught in English. Information, exchange student application documents and course catalogues for our university can be found at https://www.fh-ooe.at/incomings.
IMPORTANT: please note that the Ernst Mach application process is getting increasingly competitive every year. An application must therefore at least be complete and fulfil all the listed requirements. Make sure to consider the evaluation criteria carefully when preparing the application. Also note that the grant is awarded by the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy. FH Upper Austria does not have any influence on the processes, deadlines or decisions.
Ernst Mach FAQs are available at https://oead.at/en/to-austria/grants-and-scholarships/ernst-mach-grant/faq-ernst-mach-grant-fachhochschule/
Please contact the according international offices directly:
- Hagenberg Campus (international@fh-hagenberg.at)
- Linz Campus (international@fh-linz.at)
- Steyr Campus (international@fh-steyr.at)
- Wels Campus (international@fh-wels.at)
Todos los interesados, favor de llenar el siguiente formulario: https://forms.office.com/r/RkeGzENYdq
¡No te puedes perder esta gran oportunidad! La Facultad de Ingeniería queda a tu disposición para apoyarte con cualquier duda respecto a los documentos solicitados.
Coordinación Académica y Administrativa: Mtra. Gloria Oseguera (gloria.oseguera@anahuac.mx)
Coordinación de Promoción, Vinculación y Comunicación: Mtra. Andrea Gómez (andrea.gomeztr@anahuac.mx)
Te compartimos un correo más para ver información relacionada: stephan.bodinger@oead.at