Universidad Anáhuac is a Catholic higher education institution promoted and assisted by the Regnum Christi Federation, which as a university community, seeks the Truth and the Good in everything, and shares the Anáhuac educational model of student formation. Therefore, the University Pastoral deeply contributes with this model to form upright persons, great leaders and great honest, straight and authentic people who have an important role in society and culture to build a better world from their professional fields.

The principles of action of the Pastoral area are:
- Jesus Christ as a model of the perfect Man. We propose Christ, God, and Lord, as the model of the Perfect Man so that in the imitation of his human and spiritual virtues, the university community aspires to make the best of itself in all aspects.
- According to the charism of Regnum Christi. Our style of evangelizing and forming upright people is rooted in the spirituality, lifestyle and apostolic methodology of Regnum Christi, a charism that God has bestowed upon the Church. We focus on the evangelization of the university community, both in extension (include as many as possible) and depth (in an intimate and non-superficial way), with a sense of effectiveness and assisted by divine grace.
- Formation of Communities. We encourage the formation of small communities gathered in a large Christian community that is the University Pastoral, that assist the perseverance of each member in the achievement of their student formation. This is achieved through:
- Evangelizing experiences where the personal encounter with Jesus Christ is promoted through the sacraments, apostolates, the dialogue between faith and reason, experiential spiritual retreats and catechesis.
- Personal accompaniment offered to the university community, especially through spiritual direction and educational coaching.
- Training the Trainers. We are creators of apostles and Christian leaders who in turn make and form disciples, followers of Jesus Christ who yearn and strive to build a better world.
“The mission of the Pastoral of the Universidad Anáhuac México is to deeply contribute to the integral formation of the university community through deep experiences that favor a positive growth in the human, intellectual, and especially in the spiritual aspect, living the evangelical principles and sustained by the personal encounter with God, who will later be manifested in the generous service to others through the apostolate to build a better world.”
- Sacramental and Spiritual Services. The University Pastoral offers schedules for the celebration of Holy Mass during the week, as well as large spaces for confession. Mass schedules are:
North Campus: 8 and 13 hrs. // South Campus: 13 hrs.
There is also a wide variety to participate in prayer groups, retreats, and spiritual exercises and the Eucharistic hours of Thursdays.
- Education. The University Pastoral offers several education courses on the Bible, the Theology of the Body, the 10 Commandments, Preparation for Confirmation, Apologetics, Dating and Marriage, Liturgy, Formation in Chastity, among others.
- Apostolate and Volunteering. “Life is not worth living unless it is lived for others”, said St. Teresa of Calcuta. Therefore, the University's social commitment in favor of the neediest in society is at the forefront and offers a wide range of service opportunities. Besides, faith is expressed through works done with love. Among the different apostolic and social action activities that the Pastoral offers are the Mayan Missions of construction, Medical Missions, Evangelization Missions, educational visits for the people in prison and the garbage dump, as well as homeless people with alcohol and drug addictions, among others.