Our University Builds Stronger Ties with Spanish Universities

Anáhuac President Dr. Cipriano Sánchez, accompanied by a team of School directors, renewed agreements with Complutense University of Madrid, University of Alcalá, University of Cantabria and University of Salamanca.
Respecting all pertinent health measures enforced in Mexico and around the world to prevent the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, Anáhuac México University has resumed its international academic tours in an effort to uphold one of the main pillars of university’s internationalization: to train students to become global citizens.
Faculty members of our institution traveled to Spain—one of many countries where we have built alliances over the years—to visit four universities in order to renew partnerships as a way to strengthen our ties and to form academic alliances that bolster our international engagement.
Complutense University of Madrid was the first university they visited, where they followed up on the collaboration agreement for the Doctorate Program in Educational Evaluation. They also invited Complutense to participate in the 2022 International Conference on Educational Evaluation and a new agreement was signed with the School of Engineering to share research findings in the field of Chemical Engineering.
Next on the itinerary was the University of Alcalá, where the two university presidents meet in order to follow up on the Double Online Master’s Degree in Educational Center Management. Other new collaborations were also proposed during their reunion.
Following Alcalá, a team of members from Anáhuac’s School of Tourism and Gastronomy visited the University of Cantabria. The goal was to strengthen ties and communication with respect to research. Members of our Economics and Business School renewed and signed an agreement with the Spanish university. A meeting was subsequently held between the respective university directors to conclude negotiations. And the School of Education sought to build partnerships with the School of Doctoral Programs and to strengthen postgraduate programs through co-tutorships.
Last on the list was the University of Salamanca, where the School of Actuarial Sciences resumed collaborations in the area of research, in addition to student and professor mobility, which was in development prior to the pandemic. Anáhuac’s School of Education took the opportunity to strengthen ties with its Spanish counterpart, having joined forces this past year to design a micro online course on educational innovation. Likewise, the School of Education met with the University Institute of Integration in the Community (INICO) to address topics concerning inclusion and research. And finally, the School of Psychology strengthened ties with regards to academic collaborations in a bid to develop a double degree for its current academic programs. A meeting was subsequently held between the university presidents to sign the established agreements.
Back in Madrid, the School of Tourism and Gastronomy presented its project Vinos Anáhuac (Anáhuac Wine Varieties) at the Casa de México en España. The event was led by José Ángel Díaz Rebolledo, director of Anáhuac’s School of Tourism and Gastronomy and included the conference “Development of the Services Industry in Spain,” with Eduardo Pérez-Noyola, director of Corporate Affairs and Zenén Jaimes Rebollar, coordinator of Projects and Operations of Economic and Corporate Affairs of the Casa de México en España Foundation.
Our faculty members also participated in the 2021 Anáhuac Icons, an exposition by the School of Design, at the Casa de México en España. President Dr. Cipriano Sánchez García, L.C. joined the panel composed of academic professors from Spain and Mexico, along with the presidents and vice presidents of Complutense University of Madrid, University of Salamanca, Francisco de Vitoria University, Comillas Pontifical University and Technical University of Madrid.
Activities for this event include round-table discussions, in which 22 faculty members from prestigious Spanish universities participated, and a wine tasting organized by the Luis Cañas Winery, uniting graduates and exchange students.
Dr. Cipriano Sánchez García, L.C. also participated in the Tourism & Innovation Summit in Seville and in the signing of an agreement between the School of Tourism and Gastronomy and the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC).
Those who accompanied our president on this academic trip include Dr. Lorena Rosalba Martínez Verduzco, vice president of Academic Affairs; José Ángel Díaz Rebolledo, director of the School of Tourism and Gastronomy; Luz María Moyano Castolo, internship coordinator of the aforementioned School; Patricia Eugenia Ruiz Ortega, director of Internationalization; Francesca Munda Magill, director of the School of Education; Blanche Helene Toffel Quiñones, director of the School of Design; Dr. Liliana Ceja Bravo, coordinator of the same School; and Dr. Luz del Carmen Dávalos Murillo, member of the President’s Committee.

For more information:
Office for Internationalization
Patricia Eugenia Ruiz Ortega