Anahuac Mexico University, recipient of the 2024 National Quality Award

Liderazgo Anáhuac en Excelencia Académica
This recognition, awarded by the Entrepreneurial Coordinating Council, Voz de las Empresas and the Institute for the Promotion of Quality, promotes, develops, and acknowledges the Corporate Social Dimension in Mexico.
On June 11, 2024, Anahuac Mexico University was awarded the National Quality Award. This is the highest honor that recognizes companies and institutions that defy convention and set new standards of excellence to drive significant change that mirrors Mexico's unwavering spirit. The university received this award in the category of Private Education Institution.
The National Quality Award is a program of the Entrepreneurial Coordinating Council (CCE), Voz de las Empresas, and the Institute for the Promotion of Quality, which promotes, develops and recognizes the Corporate Social Dimension in Mexico.
The award was received by José Antonio Gea, Director of Institutional Development, and Dr. Jose Rodrigo Pozón López, Academic Vice-Rector of the University. During his speech, Dr. Pozón López said, "This award is in recognition of the Anahuac Community for 60 years of working on the integral formation of students. What was a dream in 1964 is now a reality."
Similarly, he emphasized that the Anahuac is focused on continuously improving its processes as an institution. For example, he highlighted the construction of Anahuac Labs, the most important innovation cluster in the country, among other significant projects.
The award comprises six categories: Large Industry and Services Companies, Medium Industry and Services Companies, Small Industry and Services Companies, Private or Public Educational Institutions, Private or Public Health Institutions and Non-Profit Organizations.
Thirty companies and institutions participated in the 2023-2024 call for entries. They join the more than 2,600 organizations that have applied for the National Quality Award, which has distinguished 166 national benchmarks of excellence throughout its history.
The National Quality Award was presented to only six companies and institutions that are seen as pioneering, humane, generators of prosperity, and representatives of our country's resilient and vibrant character, including Anahuac Mexico University. Additionally, eight finalist companies and institutions were recognized during the ceremony to encourage them to maintain their commitment to excellence.
The outstanding performance of Odette González Aréchaga, Michael Grayeb Balderas Aceves and Pascual Robles Pérez, who represent the Evaluation Group consisting of more than 120 specialists responsible for diagnosing participating companies, has been duly recognized. Their contribution ensures the transparency, objectivity and reliability of the Award evaluation process.
"The winning companies were selected by an Awards Council comprised of representatives from the CCE, the Mexican Business Council, the Communication Council and the Institute for the Promotion of Quality. The selection process ensured objectivity and transparency by keeping the identities of the participating companies confidential."
The National Quality Award ceremony was attended by several notable figures, including Sen. Roberto Juan Moya Clemente, president of the Senate's Economy Commission; Francisco Cervantes Díaz, president of the CCE; Rolando Vega Sáenz, president of the Mexican Business Council (CMN); René Freudenberg Zezatti, president of the Board of Directors of the Institute for the Promotion of Quality; Salvador Villalobos Gómez, executive president of the Communication Council; Félix F. Figueroa, also from the Communication Council; Fadlala Akabani Hneide, secretary of Economic Development of Mexico City; Mónica Flores Barragán, president of ManpowerGroup LATAM; Norma Alicia Ramírez Hinojosa, national president of the Coordinating Council of Women Entrepreneurs (CCME); Juan Pablo García Garza, president of the Chamber of the Transformation Industry of Nuevo León; José de Jesús Rodríguez Cárdenas, president of the Chamber of Commerce of Mexico City; Sylvia Sánchez Alcántara, president of Marketing Lab; María Ariza García Migoya, general director of the Institutional Stock Exchange (BIVA); Erika Quevedo, general director of the Mexico Global Business Council; and Odette González Aréchaga González, representative of the Evaluation Group.
Freudenberg Zezatti commented on the National Quality Award: "The six award-winning organizations represent the essence of the National Quality Award. Each of these stories reflects innovation, sustainable development and excellence, inspiring other organizations to follow their example and, together, build a prosperous future for Mexicans."
In reference to the 2024 call, Mtro. Freudenberg emphasized Mexico's indomitable spirit and urged people to fully embrace this resilient nature. He stated that the National Award is evolving to promote an entrepreneurial culture that aligns with Mexican values, culture and talent. This, in turn, will inspire the transformation of companies to positively impact Mexican society.
The 2024 National Quality Award presented to Anahuac Mexico University recognizes the entire University Community.
More information:
José Antonio de Landa Dorantes
Business Liaison Department