Psychology students publish articles in scientific journals

These academic products reflect the formative work carried out by the researchers with bachelor’s degree students.
As part of the Research Skills Development Program for our Bachelor's Degree in Psychology, three articles were published in scientific journals as a result of their collaboration in research projects.
In the first article, Marco Antonio Pulido Rull, associate researcher at the Anáhuac Center for Research in Psychology (CAIP), together with students Ana Paola Avilés Villa, Sofía Vergara Mercenario, Ana Sofía Santoyo Campos, Daniel Arjona Lynn, Ana Valeria López Lara and Regina Martínez Campos, published the article entitled “Using Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory to Predict COVID-19 Vulnerability and Outcome: A Cross-Cultural Study”, which was published in December 2024 in the Revista Argentina de Ciencias del Comportamiento, a project in which the capacity of Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory to predict the vulnerability and severity of COVID-19 infection was evaluated.
Meanwhile, students Ana Gaby De Santiago Valdés, María José Gual Pons, Santiago Guerrero Alonso, Martha Alicia Luthe Muñoz and Paola Rincón Gallardo Vela, advised by Marco Antonio Pulido Rull, associate researcher at the CAIP, published the article “The conceptualization of the Behavior Approach System: An analysis based on resource acquisition strategies” in the International Journal of Personality Psychology (, which evaluates the possibility of using the revised theory of reinforcement sensitivity to predict resource acquisition strategies.
Similarly, Dr. Claudia Unikel Santoncini, professor at our School of Psychology, together with students Jimena Padilla Pascacio, Magally Castaño Muñoz de Cote, Mariana Isabel Mendiola Robles, Pamela Argüelles Gutiérrez and Maricarmen Boom Treviño, published the article "Relación entre las conductas alimentarias de riesgo, los estilos de crianza y el perfeccionismo en estudiantes universitarios mexicanos", an article published in the first issue of 2025 of the journal Psicología y Salud, which examines the relationship between parenting styles and perfectionism on risky eating behaviors in a sample of university students in Mexico City.
We are proud that our students are able to publish the results of the projects they participate in under the guidance of researchers who are committed to the academic education of their students.
You can read the full article here.
For more information:
Dr. Diana Betancourt Ocampo
School of Psychology