The School of Health Sciences welcomes incoming exchange students

A total of 11 students from various universities in Spain, El Salvador and other Mexican states were received at the North Campus.
On September 18, 2024, Anáhuac México University, through the School of Health Sciences, held an event to welcome incoming exchange students for the 2024 academic year.
This activity, held at the North Campus, was presided over by Dr. Salvador Bueno Valenzuela, director of the School of Health Sciences, who welcomed the eleven students from countries such as Spain and El Salvador, as well as from other Mexican states, such as Baja California, and from the following universities:
El Salvador
• Universidad Católica del Salvador
• Universidad de Sevilla
• Universidad Santiago de Compostela
• Universidad de Navarra
• Universidad de Castilla - La Mancha
State of Baja California
• Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
With academic participation in the Bachelor's Degrees in Medical Surgery, Nutrition, Biotechnology and Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, it is a pleasure for Anáhuac Mexico University to welcome them and we look forward to welcoming them back.
We also thank the authorities of the School of Health Sciences, headed by Dr. Salvador Bueno, as well as Dr. Marivi Cervera Gaviria, from the General Department for Quality and Academic Operations; Jimena Figueroa Valero, from the Bachelor's Degree in Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation; Dr. Emma del Carmen Herrera Martínez, coordinator of the Bachelor's Degree in Biotechnology; Dr. Leonel Antonio Castro Morales, coordinator of Basic Cycles; Dr. Fátima Aniela Barrera Pérez, coordinator of Clinical Cycles; Dr. Marcos Meneses Mayo, coordinator of Postgraduate Studies and Research; Dr. Daniela Martínez Arámburu, coordinator of the Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition; Dr. David Rosales Rodríguez, coordinator of Pregraduate Internships; Mayerline Verduzco Herrera, Incoming Advisor for the Internationalization Department, and Laura Treviño Durán, CGCOA administrative coordinator, for joining us at this important event.

For more information:
Laura Treviño Durán
School of Health Sciences