We inaugurated the Anahuac School for PhD Studies, a space for research, academic excellence and innovation.

Liderazgo Anáhuac en Innovación
Anahuac Mexico University has launched this new project, which aims, with the highest standards of quality and competitiveness, to harmonize PhD programs and improve the student experience.
On June 21, 2023, the Anahuac School for PhD Studies was presented in the auditorium of the Postgraduate Study Center of our North Campus. In this space, research, academic excellence and innovation converge to promote the training of PhD students.
The mission of this School is to contribute to the training of PhD students who contribute to research and promote development through innovation in different fields of study in order to make significant contributions with high standards of quality and competitiveness based on the values of Christian humanism.
This important event was attended by Dr. Cipriano Sanchez Garcia, L.C., Rector of Anahuac México University; Dr. Lorena Rosalba Martínez Verduzco, Academic Vice Rector; Dr. Jose Rodrigo Pozón López, Director of Research; Dr. José Honorio Cárdenas Vidaurri, Director of the Faculty of Humanities, Philosophy and Letters and, as of July 1, 2023, Director of the Anahuac School for PhD Studies, as well as members of the Rectoral Committee, directors of schools, faculties and departments, and the academic coordinators of the postgraduate programs.
During her participation, Dr. Lorena Martinez spoke of the events that gave rise to this new project, which she said is an excellent opportunity for Anahuac Mexico University, which, as on all great occasions, looks to the past with gratitude, to the present with great passion and to the future with hope.
She also commented that the Anahuac School for PhD Studies emulates the idea of European higher education spaces, which was the initial driving force and provides harmonization to the programs and experience of the PhD student capable of conducting research with the highest standards of quality and competitiveness based on the following values: "PhD studies contribute like no other level of study to the generation of knowledge through research, thereby helping to solve current problems and challenges, influencing democratic policies and improving people's quality of life. Therefore, this concept is essential to organize and manage PhD programs with research that embraces the richness of all disciplines, thus boosting academic quality," she added.
The presentation on the afternoon of Wednesday, June 21, 2023, was the result of many hours of dialogue, reflection and proposals to achieve three fundamental objectives: to standardize the quality standards of the programs, to emphasize and strengthen the research process, and to increase the efficiency of the Anahuac School for PhD Studies as a commitment to the development of society and egalitarian progress in Mexico.
This important project is part of Anahuac Mexico University's commitment to contribute to scientific and technological advancement and promote innovation and business development through research.
Meanwhile, Dr. Jose Pozón spoke of the four areas of action that have been developed and will continue to be developed in the coming months in this collaborative work with the academic coordinators, who he said, "are immersed in the day-to-day operation of the PhDs."
The first priority was to provide the PhD program with an identity of its own, in keeping with its nature and scope. A second fundamental element is the definition of a standardized curricular model for all programs in order to strengthen research. Thirdly, he referred to the reference framework of processes and best practices for quality assurance and, finally, he emphasized the ongoing work of strategic review of the PhD program's agenda, which will be kept up to date.
Dr. José Cárdenas, one of the main leaders of this project, highlighted the growth of Anahuac Mexico University in recent years in the field of research. This field has boosted the work of Dr. Jose Pozón through various fields of study, which has led to an increase in the number of researchers, the number of articles published, the creation of research groups, and the research incentive system, among others.
However, he acknowledged that the main challenge is to optimize human, operational and financial resources to achieve the highest possible prestige for Anahuac Mexico University: "We have to continue working very hard in academic and research areas. We cannot think about the Anahuac School for PhD Studies without thinking about research, and we cannot think about research without thinking about educational quality," he asserted.
He also reaffirmed that the University must think internationally and try to solve global problems and added that "our School for PhD Studies must be a laboratory of ideas, of projects, of creations, of social commitment and political participation. It must be a laboratory of solutions for those problems that we have not been able to solve in centuries, such as overcoming poverty, low-cost renewable energies, access to quality education, care and sanitation of water, promotion of human dignity for all people, among other issues. It must be a collective project, a project that involves the responsibility of everyone, of each thesis student, of each advisor, of each professor, of each program and of each of its coordinators and faculty directors, of each and every one of us who influence the integral formation of future doctors".
Finally, our Rector spoke of the importance of this project for the University, which helps us to remain at the forefront of the field of PhD studies. “This vision of the University in which we contribute to science encourages us never to become mediocre. It is important to be aware that this is not a minor project because we are doing it to build a community in which each of us plays a part. The Anahuac School for PhD Doctoral Studies is based on the concept of the academic coordinator as the first integrated member. In accordance with the vision of this school, each one of you must become the link between the School for PhD Studies, the thesis director and the PhD student," he explained.
He also thanked everyone involved for their vision and intuition in having contact with the European framework and for bringing this vital project and educational model to Mexico, based on our idiosyncrasy, which strives", added Dr. Sánchez García, "to transfer the concept of positive action leadership, the concept of personal dignity and transcendence, and ethics to these postgraduate programs within the PhD model. The idea is to think about how we can turn a PhD into a postgraduate degree with comprehensive training and be relevant. I, therefore, invite you to join this project in solidarity".
To close this important event, Dr. Ingrid García Solís, Director of Postgraduate and Continuing Education, reminded the attendees of their importance as witnesses to the birth of the School for PhD Studies, which emerged as a strategic initiative of the Anahuac University, and which is committed to research and development in Mexico.
"The Anahuac School for PhD Studies is the perfect destination for those seeking to develop their research skills and expand their academic horizons, always surrounded and supported by top-notch professors and researchers."
Welcome to a new way of thinking and experiencing a PhD education!
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Department for the Promotion and Marketing of Postgraduate and Continuing Education