Graduates are recognized on the list of The 300 Most Influential Leaders of Mexico 2023

On this occasion, 32 graduates appeared on the prestigious list of the magazine Líderes Mexicanos, which recognizes the most influential people in the country.
Anahuac Mexico University congratulates its graduates who, by exercising positive leadership in their personal and professional careers, were recognized by the magazine Líderes Mexicanos in its prestigious list that features the most influential people in public life in Mexico.
On this occasion, "The 300 Most Influential Leaders of Mexico 2023" includes 32 graduates of the Anahuac Mexico University who excel in the categories of executive power, entertainment, culture, opinion leaders, entrepreneurs, media, legislative power, science, sports, professionals, politics and judicial power.
The graduates included in "The 300 Most Influential Leaders of Mexico 2023" are:
- Mikel Arriola Peñalosa: President of the BBVA Mx League
- Braulio Antonio Arsuaga Losada: Chief Executive Officer and President of Grupo Presidente
- José Ignacio Ávalos Hernandez: Founding President of Un Kilo de Ayuda and of Consejo Promotora Social Mexico
- José Carlos Azcárraga Andrade: CEO of Grupo Posadas
- Jaime Azcárraga Romandía: Chairman of the Board of Directors of Grupo Radio Fórmula
- Juan Domingo Beckmann Legorreta: CEO of Grupo José Cuervo
- José Antonio Chedraui Eguía: Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer of Grupo Comercial Chedraui
- Salvador Daniel Kabbaz Zaga: President of Grupo Danhos
- Antonio Del Valle Perochena
- Max Pierre David Michel: Chairman of the Board of Directors of El Puerto de Liverpool
- Juan Pablo Del Valle Perochena: President of Mexichem
- Arturo Elías Ayub: Director of Alliances, Strategies and Content and CEO of Fundación Telmex Telcel.
- Daniel Hajj Aboumrad: Chief Executive Officer of América Móvil
- Héctor Ignacio Hernández Pons Torres: Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer of Grupo Herdez.
- Rodrigo Alonso Herrera Aspra: Chairman of the Board of Directors, Genomma Lab
- Antonio Ibarra Fariña: Executive Vice-President and Chief Executive Officer of Grupo Acir
- Alejandro Carlos Irarragorri Gutiérrez: Chairman of the Board of Directors of Grupo Orlegui
- Carlos Labarthe Costas: President of Gentera
- Pedro Fernando Landeros Verdugo: President of Fundación Teletón México, A.C.
- Germán Feliciano Larrea Mota Velasco: Chairman of the Board of Directors of Grupo México
- María Elena Lezama Espinosa: Governor of the State of Quintana Roo
- Joaquín López Dóriga Velandia: Reporter, columnist and radio and television host
- Ángel Losada Moreno: Executive President and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Grupo Gigante, S.A.B. de C.V.
- Cipriano Sánchez García, L.C.: Rector of Anahuac México University
- Fernando Senderos Mestre: Executive President and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Grupo Kuo and Dine
- Carlos Slim Domit: Chairman of the Board of Telmex, Member of Grupo Carso and President of Grupo Sanborns
- Marco Antonio Slim Domit: President of Telmex, América Móvil, Grupo Carso and Grupo Sanborns
- Vicente Yáñez Solloa: Executive President of ANTAD
- Pedro De Garay Montero: Chief Executive Officer of GBM
- José Antonio Pérez Antón: Partner and owner-operator of ADO
- Ricardo Alfredo Sodi Cuéllar: President of the Superior Court of Justice of the State of Mexico.
- Francisco Guillermo Ochoa: Member of the Anáhuac ELITE Sports Excellence Program
Undoubtedly, right now, a return to values is urgently needed in Mexico and for both our male and female graduates, who are recognized in their respective fields and demonstrate leadership and positive actions to address the challenges faced by the world.
Anahuac Mexico University congratulates those who have been acknowledged in the list of "The 300 Most Influential Leaders of Mexico 2023", and in particular, the members of the Anahuac Community. Their commitment lies in making a positive contribution to society.