Laying of the first stone of Anahuac LABS: the foundation of Anahuac Engineering 5.0

Liderazgo Anáhuac en Tecnología
On March 12, 2024, with the participation of authorities, businesspeople and members of the university community, the first stone of Anahuac LABS was laid in an event that marked the beginning of the project in collaboration with the IUSA Group.
Anahuac Mexico University held the ceremony to mark the Laying of the First Stone of Anahuac LABS, an event led by the Director of Institutional Development, Mr. José Antonio Gea Guinovart. With significant support from the IUSA Group, this initiative represents a commitment to training world-class engineers, consolidating a 5.0 educational infrastructure project.
Covering an area of 8,342m2, Anahuac LABS is a beacon of innovation. This project, backed by an investment of 450 million pesos, goes beyond conventional expectations by offering ten areas of knowledge designed to foster creativity and discovery. The various companies that are part of this initiative contribute to the consolidation of the vision of renewal and technological revolution, articulated in six fundamental axes that range from emerging technological hubs to the creation of global hands-on experiences, thus forging a future where talent and technology converge to open new horizons in the business and educational landscape.
During a video message, Mr. Mario Buenrostro Perdomo, Director of the School of Engineering, highlighted the opening of new avenues with Anahuac LABS, emphasizing its role in training leading engineers. Our graduate, Fernanda Medina Luna (Mechatronics Engineering, Gen. '10), Supervisor of Interior Engineering for Ford Bronco 2 and 4 Doors, shared her experiences and achievements, highlighting the impact of technological innovation in national and international companies.
Dr. Romina Contreras Carrasco, Mayor of Huixquilucan, expressed her enthusiasm for the collaboration between Anahuac and the IUSA Group. She thanked the company for its generosity and emphasized the importance of creating a breeding ground for future engineers to develop new talent.
In his message, our Rector, Dr. Cipriano Sánchez García, L.C., emphasized the importance of the alliance between Anahuac Mexico University and the technology industry to position Mexico as a global leader in innovation. He highlighted the commitment to training ethical and socially responsible engineers who will contribute to technological development. He also expressed his desire for Anahuac LABS to be a beacon of hope and a place where knowledge, leadership and well-being are generated.
He also invited everyone to be an active part of the desired change, emphasizing the commitment to responsibility, innovation and collaboration to meet current and future challenges and lead society to a horizon of possibilities.
The event concluded with assistants, administrators, and students working together to lay the first stone of Anahuac LABS, symbolizing the joining of efforts and the building of a promising future.
To learn more about Anáhuac LABS you can watch the video here.
For more information:
Crisette Romero Lugo
Content Editing
Institutional Communications Department